Carly says...
"Kristi is an amazing teacher with an incredible depth of knowledge about yoga. She brings this knowledge into every class she teaches, providing cues that always bring me deeper into each pose. Her words are so poetic and always help me connect deeper to myself, my practice, and my breath. A reiki session with Kristi always puts me into a deeply relaxed state, when I lay on her table I know I'm in good hands and she is always able to get to the root of any problem I have. She is punctual, welcoming, and professional. Kristi will change not only your practice but your life- to be around Kristi is to be inspired, cared for, and safe. I cannot recommend Kristi enough!"
Sean says...
"Between the yoga/reiki sessions, Kristi brings you comfort and healing with her presence. Delivers with excellence. The spiritual energy she brings is top tier. She's an amazing instructor/person with a heart of gold and passion to get the very best version out of you possible."